DEA BRAVO HP Fast, Accurate, Integrated Strokes (mm) Overall Dimentions (mm) Series X Y Z Length Width Height Weight (kg) 60.16.21 6000 1600 2100 6997 4144 3594 4665 60.16.25 6000 1600 2500 6997 4144 3994 4715 60.16.30 6000 1600 3000 6997 4144 4494 4775 Applications Dimensional inspection of car body components, body- in-white, chassis, subassemblies, panels, and also for process control along assembly lines High-speed reverse engineering of complex surfaces creating CAD models Operating Environment Shop-floor environment, adjacent to or directly integrated into the assembly lines or car body welding Metrologic temperature ranges: 18–22 °C, 16–26 °C, 16–32 °C Dynamics optimized for maximum speed and throughput Probe Heads Standard: CW43L-mw (two or three axes) Optional: TESASTAR-m DEA BRAVO HD/HP standard X axis measuring strokes: 4000, 6000, 7000, 9000 mm. All DEA BRAVO HD/HP models are available in both single and double arm configuration. The specified strokes, dimensions, and weights refer to the single arm configuration.