CT Technology COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY PRODUCT RANGE OVERVIEW CT PRODUCT RANGE WHAT IS VOLUME MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY? AN OVERVIEW OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Computer tomographs are best known from the field of tries where the internal and external structures of the medical technology. They represent a further develop- components are captured completely and holistically. ment of the classical X-ray technology. While radioscopy X-ray machines are creating two-di- The picture below illustrates the functional principle mensional radiographic images of objects, computed of computer tomography: The component is X-rayed tomographic volume measurement technology from and shot in the optical path. WENZEL generates three-dimensional volume data. The For the CT scan, the object is rotated 360°. During scanned data can be used to reconstruct a complete the rotation, two-dimensional radiation images are dataset of materials and geometry. recorded by the detector using X-rays. In the com- puter, the component is calculated (reconstructed) as Use in the industrial sector has proven itself in prac- a 3D volume model from the radiographic images. tice and the market potential increases continuously. Surface data is generated from this solid model, which The technology in the WENZEL computer tomographs forms the basis for all subsequent evaluations. Small is designed for applications in a wide variety of indus- components are measured near the X-ray source and Functional principle of a computer tomograph: The component is X-rayed and rotated in the beam path and a three-dimensional model is reconstructed from multiple two-dimensional projections. 1400 4