Company profile WENZEL GENERAL CATALOGUE SERVICE CONCEPT WENZEL LIFE CYCLE PLANNABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING COSTS YOUR INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PACKAGE WENZEL measuring machines are durable capi- the machines, which in the case of new machines can tal goods and are characterized by a very high level also be supplemented by a corresponding warranty of quality due to the design, construction and high extension program. The software used can always in-house production content of WENZEL. This is also be kept up-to-date through software maintenance. reflected in the usage behavior and especially in the In doing so, they ensure access to new insights and service life of the machine. Many customers use their features that are recorded with each new software machines for years and decades and WENZEL offers release, as well as the implementation of legal require- with specially tailored service products each cus- ments and standard changes. In addition, customers tomer the best solution for their specific use case. The secure access to our WOS (WENZEL Online Service), specially designed Business Unit Service & Applica- a hotline that provides technical support for the use of tion Center (SAC) offers all relevant service products our software and machine. All service contracts have with a broad product portfolio. The broad spectrum of in common that they offer significant financial sav- the SAC covers all needs during the life cycle of a mea- ings and are good tools, to reduce operating costs suring machine in terms of field services, calibration, significantly wear and spare parts, as well as software and service contracts. Due to the longevity of the machines already men- tioned, it is a very interesting option for customers to With the service contracts offered by WENZEL, divert their measuring instruments to the latest state customers can choose between different contract of technology. Here, WENZEL offers to equip older models, scopes and terms. The most comprehen- machines with new PC and controller technology and, sive package is provided by the WENZEL Full Service, in conjunction with the latest software, to bring them which, in conjunction with a manufacturer’s warranty up to the level of new machines. In addition, retrofits of up to 5 years, including multi-shift operation, covers can be offered to increase performance. These can be all service costs in connection with the operation of conversions from indexing to scanning or REVO 5-axis the machine. WENZEL ensures the maximum availabil- measuring systems. Likewise, retrofitting of optical ity of the machine and carries out all related services sensors is possible which allow machines to be used including the required parts. For the customers this as multi-sensor machines; highest accuracy by tactile means, with maximum operational safety and avail- measurement and speed increase by non-contact opti- ability of the machine, a reduction of risk during use cal working. WENZEL Retrofits increase performance at a clearly defined cost. and ensure the use of the machine for another life cycle. Through financing and leasing terms offered by WENZEL, in combination with full service, up-front Customers with technical questions can contact the investment costs can be avoided and machines can be WENZEL Contact Support, where there are central used at precisely defined operating costs without risk. contact points for questions concerning software Other contract models are maintenance contracts for topics or machine operation. Experienced technicians 14