L HF Series PRODUCT RANGE CMM WENZEL LHF SERIES LARGE MEASURING RANGE AND EXCELLENT ACCESSIBILITY Wide measuring range and excellent accessibility. The 12 meters. A double drive in the Y-axis of the LHF makes LHF is a CNC coordinate measuring machine with air it unbeatable in terms of dynamics. The thermal influ- bearings on guide beams, which has been designed for ences of the environment on the machine and workpiece high-precision measurement of large-volume and com- can optionally be corrected by means of automatic tem- plex workpieces. Its ground-level design allows excellent perature compensation. LHF series measuring machines access to a large measuring range with maximum free- are available in the accuracy classes Standard, Premium dom of movement. The measuring range in the Y-axis and Premium Select. is available in the standard version up to a length of FEATURES P Optimum stability due to intrinsically stable guide beams and precisely dimensioned air bearings P High performance even with large extensions, eccentric loads and scanning with REVO at high speed P Best position stability due to incremental displacement measuring systems with precision scales and excellent contamination tolerance P High dynamics due to double drive in the Y-axis and backlash-free friction drives P Easy maintenance due to high availability of spare parts and easily accessible replacement components FIELDS OF APPLICATION The WENZEL LHF is designed for high-precision measurement of large-volume and complex workpieces. It is used by innovative medium-sized companies as well as world-famous large corporations - or simply everywhere where high measuring requirements define the requirement. R R R R LHF 2517 LHF 3020 LHF 3025 LHF 4025 38