Shrinking 5.5.3 Define your own Parameters: TOOL MEMORY Setup TOOL MEMORY at the machine At the beginning, a similar standard chuck is selected from the existing parameter list. Start with mode PARAMETER similar to standard shrinking (see Chapter 5.5.1, ThermoGrip clamping chucks: PARAMETER, page 23). It is important to define the coil and disc for the new chuck. Selecting the option „memory“ will switch into manual mode. The actual parameters (shrinking time and power) are copied and can be changed now (see Chapter 5.5.2, Shrinking with free “Parameter” selection: MANUAL, page 27). After selecting you come to the manual shrinking mode. The desired parameters may be tested by shrinking and can be adjusted again until they are perfect. Selecting the option „memory“ will save the actual time, power and all other options. The predefined coil and disc will also be saved into a new set of parameter data. The new set of data is named like the original tool designation heading with an additional letter “M” and a digit. For e.g., if a chuck similar to TSF with D=8 mm is desired, the new set of data will have the designation „M1 TSF08“. A second set of data with the same chuck as origin, will have the designation „M2 TSF08. The function „TOOL MEMORY“ is enabled now and all sets of own defined shrinking parameters are available (see Chapter, Select your own tool parameters, page 33). The names are fixed and can not be changed at the operating panel. To change the name or adjust the parameter set, the tool memory has to be read out to an USB memory stick and following the parameter sets can be edited on a PC with the optional program „ToolMemoryEditor“ (see Chapter 6.9, Write the tool memory onto an USB memory stick, page 38). To quit the manual mode without activating the option „memory“ stop the function without memorizing the new set of data. October 2015 ISG3410 32